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It’s time to rebuild public trust

| Political action, Social Justice

The Canadian Teachers’ Federation (CTF/FCE) supports its US education counterparts, the National Education Association (NEA) and the American Federation of Teachers (AFT) as they navigate the aftermath of the violence that occurred in the United States during the vote by Congress to accept electoral votes. 

Such brutal acts must not be condoned. It is indeed a sad reflection on where our world is headed when democracy gets attacked this way.  These events serve as a harsh reminder that we need to stand together. These acts of violence and forms of hatred must stop. Our thoughts and prayers go out to the families of the four victims who were unjustly caught in the fire of these horrific acts. 

We ask our Canadian members to join us in denouncing the blatant disrespect for government institutions. We continue to believe that democracy must, and will, prevail. The only way to address the many crises facing our great nations is to continue to stand together. It’s time to move past the hatred and rebuild public trust.  

Shelley L. Morse

  • Read the National Education Association (NEA) statement here.
  • Read the American Federation of Teachers (AFT) statement here.